Welcome from the Doctoral Symposium Chair

Welcome to the CSMR Doctoral Symposium! The CSMR doctoral symposium provides an exciting environment for PhD students. They can share not only their results, but also their vision of the future. Next to the authors of the accepted abstracts, we invited a number of senior experts in the field to listen to the students and to engage them in discussion. We exchange feedback and experiences, in order to help each other further our careers as researchers. The DS program is short and focused on personal interests of the participants. Each student has submitted a four page abstract and will present it during 10 minutes. This years participants are mostly near the end of their PhD project, thus the emphasis lies on learning from past experiences and looking out to the future. We do aim to touch upon all the important aspects being a researcher: from formulating a research goal to writing the paper, from presenting at a conference to constructing a research agenda. 2012 16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering