Early detection and real-time reporting of deep-ocean tsunamis
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Deep- ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) Project is an effort of the U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) to develop an early tsunami de- tection and real-time reporting capability. Although seismic networks and coastal tide gauges are indispensable for assessing the hazard during an actual event, an improvement in the speed and accuracy of real-time forecasts of tsunami inundation for specific sites re- quires direct tsunami measurement between the source and a threatened community. Cur- rently, only a network of real-time reporting, deep-ocean bottom pressure (BPR) stations can provide this capability. Numerous NOAA deployments of ever-improving prototype sys- tems have culminated in the current operating network of DART stations in the North Pacific. DART data can be viewed online at http://tsunami.pmel.noaa.gov/dartqc/ WaveWatcher. Network coverage is presently limited to known tsunamigenic zones that threaten U.S. coastal communities. Because tsunamis can be highly directional, DART stations must be properly spaced to provide reliable estimates of the primary direction and magnitude of the en- ergy propagation. A method for detector siting will be presented that considers various tradeoffs between early tsunami detection, adequate source zone coverage, and DART system survivabil- ity. A proposed network will be presented that is designed to provide adequate coverage of tsunamis originating in source regions that threaten U.S. coastal communities: the Alaska Aleu- tian Subduction Zone, the Cascadia Subduction Zone, and the South American Seismic Zone.