음식폐기물 수거요소 분석 연구

This study was performed to analyze collection parameters for food wastes, which were used to estimate man power and vehicles required to collect those. For this purpose, collection activities were separated into unit operations, such as a pickup, a haul and at-site, and design data that can be used generally were developed by survey and interpretation. In case of a detached dwelling area, the pickup time to collect 1ton of food wastes(Phcs) was 3.3man·hour and haul time was 22.4㎞/hour. At-site time of a collection vehicle to load 2.5ton of food wastes was 5minutes and that time was varied according to the loading quantity of vehicles. The estimation of collection time(Thcs), required to move 2.5ton of food wastes from a pickup location to a treatment facility in the same condition for vehicles and man power, showed that Thcs for an apartment area was 3.03hours and for a detached dwelling area was three times as much as that of for the apartment area. More data should be required to evaluate both typical variables associated with collection activities and the variables related to particular district types.