Data Capture and Presentation in the Romanian Online Dialect Atlas
RODA,the Romanian Online Dialect Atlas (Embleton, Uritescu, and Wheeler 2002, 2004,2006, in press), is a two-stage project involving (I) the transfer of data from a hard copy atlas of the Crisana dialect of Romanian (Stan and Uritescu 1996,2003) to an online system for general availability, and (2) the application of innovative statistical methods to the data. Romanian, as the prime exemplar of the eastern Romance languages. has had scholarly attention, including the detailed work of Stan and Britescu (1996,2003) and Uritescu (l984a, 1984b) on the dialects of the Crisana region in north-west Romania. In digitizing this data to make it more broadly accessible, and in successfully digitizing a hardcopy dialect atlas of Finnish (Embleton and Wheeler 1997b, 2000), we encountered several situations worth highlighting to others who may be considering parallel projects.
[1] Sheila Embleton,et al. Defining User Access to the Romanian Online Dialect Atlas , 2008 .
[2] Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai,et al. Noul atlas lingvistic român pe regiuni Banat , 1980 .
[3] Gary Simons,et al. Seven Dimensions of Portability for Language Documentation and Description , 2002, ArXiv.
[4] Valeriu Rusu,et al. Tratat de dialectologie românească , 1984 .