User-Centric Personalization and Autonomous Reconfiguration Across Ubiquitous Computing Environments

In the era of Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), during our typical daily routines we may encounter multiple, shared and heterogeneous UbiComp environments across various locations. As these environments are meant to be shared between multiple users, interaction control methods (gestural, touch, voice commands, etc.) and the contexts (light, temperature, sound, informational services, etc.) of the environment are not personalized for individual users naturally. Typically, users are required to manually configure interaction preferences and conditions each time they encounter UbiComp systems. This however, refers to a tedious and redundant reconfiguration procedure, which is against the concept of UbiComp. In this paper, we present our work targeting on improving the personalization and reconfiguration procedure. Firstly, a usercentric personalization approach is proposed for facilitating users in determining how an UbiComp environment should adapt to their own preferred configurations. Then, an autonomous reconfiguration procedure is proposed, ensuring that a user’s preferences are maintained and accessible across multiple ubiquitous computing environments seamlessly. Keywords-Ubiquitous Computing; personalization; reconfiguration; human computer interaction.