Indoor propagation calculation taking into account antenna patterns using geometrical optics method

An algorithm to compute the effects of the radiation patterns and polarizations of arbitrary transmit and receive antenna is added to the conventional geometrical optics analysis procedure to study indoor propagation delay characteristics. A method is presented in which the angular information needed for the calculations of the foregoing in a rectangular room can be derived easily from the geometrical nature of the room. By moans of the present procedure, the delay wave suppression effect of a narrow-beam antenna in a multipath propagation environment is shown quantitatively. For instance, in the case where both transmit and receive antennas are omnidirectional, the delay spread can be reduced to almost one-tenth if a pencil beam with a half-power beamwidth of 30° is used. By means of these results, a design procedure for antenna half-power beamdwidth and the polarization was developed for realization of high-transmission quality in an indoor high-speed wireless data communication.