Test of independence for high-dimensional random vectors based on freeness in block correlation matrices

In this paper, we are concerned with the independence test for k high-dimensional sub-vectors of a normal vector, with fixed positive integer k. A natural high-dimensional extension of the classical sample correlation matrix, namely block correlation matrix, is proposed for this purpose. We then construct the so-called Schott type statistic as our test statistic, which turns out to be a particular linear spectral statistic of the block correlation matrix. Interestingly, the limiting behavior of the Schott type statistic can be figured out with the aid of the Free Probability Theory and the Random Matrix Theory. Specifically, we will bring the so-called real second order freeness for Haar distributed orthogonal matrices, derived in Mingo and Popa (2013)[10], into the framework of this high-dimensional testing ∗Corresponding author. †Z.G. Bao was supported by a startup fund from HKUST. ‡J. Hu was partially supported by Science and Technology Development Foundation of Jilin (Grant No. 20160520174JH), Science and Technology Foundation of Jilin during the “13th Five-Year Plan” and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11301063). §G.M. Pan was partially supported by a MOE Tier 2 grant 2014-T2-2-060 and by a MOE Tier 1 Grant RG25/14 at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. ¶W. Zhou was partially supported by R-155-000-165-112 at the National University of Singapore. 1527

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