Laparoscopy and endoscopy cooperative surgery(LECS)is the surgical procedure used to avoid excessive resection of the gastrointestinal wall and preserve its function. We report the case of a patient who was successfully treated with inverted LECS for gastrointestinal stromal tumor(GIST)in the remnant stomach and underwent distal gastrectomy. The patient was a 75- year-old man who received distal gastrectomy for gastric ulcer 28 years before. Three years before he was diagnosed as having gastric submucosal tumor(SMT)as a gastrointestinal tumor(GIST)by using EUS. As the tumor increased, he was admitted to our hospital. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed a 30mm SMT just below the cardiac part of the remnant stomach. Biopsy by EUS-FNA revealed CD34(-), c-kit(+), S-100(-), and a-SMA(-), which indicated gastric GIST. Inverted LECS was performed. His postoperative course was good, and he was discharged from the hospital 9 days after the surgery.