Standard Filling Schemes for Various LHC Operation Modes

Various bunch filling patterns for the LHC are presented. Each corresponds to a specific mode of operation for the machine. For operation with protons, in addition to the nominal 25ns proton bunch filling scheme, a 75ns spacing version is given, together with two schemes that may be used during commissioning and also during TOTEM operation. One of these, the 156-bunch scheme, requires 4 equally spaced bunches from the pre-injectors, which remains to be demonstrated. For operation with ions, the nominal bunch pattern is given; together with a pattern having far fewer bunches to be used for early ion running. This note is a revised version of LHC Project note 323[1]. Modifications have been made to the 25ns and 75ns scheme to increase the symmetry and hence reduce the Pacman bunch effects. The 156-bunch scheme for TOTEM has also been included in the revised note.