A 32-year-old Japanese woman, gravida 2, para 1, was referred to our ultrasonography clinic because of an abnormal echo-free space located in the left upper quadrant of the fetal abdomen at 17 weeks, menstrual age. The course of her pregnancy had been uneventful. Ultrasound examination showed the echo-free space to be 1.1 cm x 1.3 cm, and was connected to the stomach (Figure 1). Values for biparietal diameter and femur diaphysis length were appropriate for a gestation of 17 weeks, menstrual age; no other abnormality was noted. At 19 weeks, the size of the space was unchanged, but separation from the stomach was clear (Figure 2). At 21 weeks, this echo-free space had decreased in size (0.5 cm X 0.7 cm), was even more clearly separated from stomach, and was considered to be located in the spleen (Figure 3). Ultrasound examination at 25 weeks, menstrual age, showed this echo-free space to be even smaller (0.3 cm x 0.5 cm), and location in the spleen was clear (Figure 4). A congenital splenic cyst was strongly suspected and serial ultrasound examinations thereafter revealed no changes in size or shape (Figure 5). The patient was delivered vaginally at 38 weeks of a viable female infant weighing 3,194 g. Ultrasound examination revealed a small cyst in the spleen of the child (0.5 cm x 0.8 cm) (Figure 61, and the final diagnosis was congenital splenic cyst.
T. Hata,et al.
Ultrasonographic Assessment of Fetal and Neonatal Spleen
American journal of perinatology.
R. Stiller,et al.
Antenatal diagnosis of fetal splenic cyst. A case report.
Journal of reproductive medicine.
E. Miller,et al.
Prenatal ultrasonic diagnosis of splenic cyst.
Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.
K. Bürrig.
Epithelial (True) Splenic Cysts: Pathogenesis of the Mesothelial and So‐Called Epidermoid Cyst of the Spleen
The American journal of surgical pathology.