AVSS2011 demo session: Real-time human detection using fast contour template matching for visual surveillance
Summary form only given. Anthropomatics addresses the symbiosis between humans and machines, focusing on a deeper understanding of the cooperation, interaction and coexistence between humans and machines stimulating and strengthen advanced and deep research in response to the challenges of increasingly smart environments and multimodal access to various complex technical systems. At KIT the Focus Anthropomatics and Robotics - APR has been set up by a number of research groups focusing on the research field of Anthropomatics and Robotics with more than 250 researchers. Modelling humans and their capabilities requires a deep understanding of the principle of biomechanics and kinematics, as well as the underlaying neural control principles and the perceptive and actuatoric system. Modelling and understanding of the sensomotoric mechanisms, learning and developement of skills and cognititve capabilities to enable humans to interact with the world is of high importance to design technical systems operating closely and interactively with humans via various modalities like speech, haptics, vision, grasping and locomotion. Typical research fields are related to active vision, interpretation of scenes and human activities, recognition and tracking technologies multimodal & perceptual user interfaces, understanding and translation of speech. Complementary research needed is related to the retrieval & access and summarization of multimedia data sources, translation of spoken text, context aware learning computers, implicit services and many more. The robotics application field ranges from interactive industrial robotics, service robotic companions, humanoids and medical robotics. In all domains the integrating aspects are focusing on algorithms processing real word data as well as open self-organizing architectures which allow autonomy, skill an