Dissociable cortical processing of recognizable and non-recognizable biological movement: analysing gamma MEG activity.

Recognition of biological motion is one of the essential ingredients of human evolutionary survival. When biological motion is revealed solely by a set of light dots on the joints of an invisible human figure, the perceptual system reliably distinguishes it from similar configurations. Here, we assessed the changes in neuromagnetic cortical responses during visual perception of biological motion. Healthy humans saw a randomized set of stimuli consisting of a point-light canonical walker and a scrambled configuration in which the spatial positions of dots were randomly rearranged on the screen. In separate runs, configurations were presented either within an upright or inverted (180 degrees ) orientation in the image plane. Participants performed a one-back repetition task lifting a forefinger in response to the second of two consecutive identical stimuli of each type. Both recognizable upright and non-recognizable inverted walkers evoke enhancements in oscillatory gamma brain activity (25-30 Hz) over the left occipital cortices as early as 100 ms from stimulus onset. Only a recognizable upright walker, however, yields further consecutive peaks over the parietal (130 ms) and right temporal (170 ms) lobes. Scrambled displays do not elicit any increases in the gamma response. The stimulus-specific time course and topographic dynamics of cortical oscillatory activity indicate that the brain rapidly dissociates spatial coherence and meaning revealed through biological movement.

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