Alternative Binders for Sustainable Asphalt Pavements: Papers from a Workshop. Workshop Introduction

Increasing energy costs and the strong worldwide demand for petroleum has encouraged the development of alternative binders to modify or replace asphalt binders. The benefits of using alternative binders are that they can help save natural resources and reduce energy consumption, while maintaining, and in some cases improving, pavement performance. Most of these alternative binders contain chemical compositions somewhat similar to those of conventional asphalt binders, but tests indicate significant variability in the properties of alternative binders. In addition, the modification mechanism (chemical) for asphalt with alternative binders depends on the base asphalt and is therefore not well understood. It is critical to evaluate the technical feasibility of incorporating alternative binders into conventional asphalt binders for use in pavements. Because of the urgent need for infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance, the introduction and application of such sustainable and environmentally friendly materials will have significant impact on the national economy as well as energy sustainability.