A Parallel, 3D Baroclinic Shallow Water Model

Abstract : The long-term goal of this research is to develop an efficient, robust hydrodynamic model that is capable of three-dimensional (3D), prognostic baroclinic simulations on a parallel computing platform. Our approach is to modify an existing model ADCIRC (ADvanced 3D CIRCulation model [1]), which is the product of over 20 years of research and development by scientists and engineers at six different institutions. Among other military and civilian applications, ADCIRC is currently one of a suite of models used by the Office of Naval Research s (ONR) Naval Research Lab (NRL) at Stennis Space Center, MS, to help plan Naval fleet operations in ocean basins around the world. The improved ADCIRC model would further enhance NRL s ability to provide accurate, timely nowcasts/forecasts, particularly in thermohaline driven basins, like the Persian Gulf.