Primary Repair of the Unilateral Cleft Lip Nose: Completion of a Longitudinal Study

The first 10 consecutive unilateral cleft subjects operated on in 1975 by a technique of primary cleft nose correction, developed by the author (HKM), were reviewed at ages 10 and 18. No further nasal surgery had been performed on these cases. The anteroposterior and inferior facial appearances of each of the cases have been published for evaluation. A computer-based method of measuring nasal asymmetry was used to objectively analyze the results and compare them with normal and cleft control faces that were age matched. The results support the observation that nasal growth of the cleft side of the nose is unaffected by early primary nasal surgery and that the vertical shortening of the nose by the alar lift technique is preserved into adult life. Residual nostril asymmetry from septal deviation persists into adulthood.