Systematic Pilot Testing as a Step in the Instructional Design Process of Corporate Training and Development.

Pilot testing assesses instructional materials with end users in the authentic learning environment prior to the implementation of the instruction and provides empirical support regarding the efficacy of the proposed instruction. Thus, subsequent decisions can be made from an informed position. This study determines the extent to which pilot tests are conducted in identified corporate training environments and ascertains reasons pilot tests were not implemented. A survey distributed to 34 individuals in positions of corporate training and development asked participants whether their design methodology and training development process systematically included pilot testing. Participants identified factors that influenced their decision to use a pilot test and described product evaluation in their organization. Survey findings indicate that in practice, designers perceive that pilot testing tends to impact the effectiveness of instructional products. Almost none of the participants pilot test materials 100% of the time, but the majority do so some of the time. A discrepancy exists between those who believe pilot testing is important and the percentage of their products which are pilot-tested, indicating multiple factors that influence the decision to pilot test products.