Urban Transport Appraisal
The book examines the methods developed for evaluating urban transport projects and policies. The author discusses the characteristics of the demand for transport and the way in which they determine how travel behaviour is analysed. The object of the appraisal being to ensure that value for money is obtained either with respect to the development of transport systems or the use of existing capacity. The book emphasises the economic aspect of polices on which a monetary value can be placed. The subject is discussed in the following chapters: (1) An appraisal framework; (2) Introduction to the analysis and forecasting of travel demand; (3) Some alternative approaches to the analysis of travel demands; (4) The analysis and forecasting of trip generation and attraction. (5) A digression - the specification of travel costs in the analysis of travel demand; (6) Trip distribution; (7) Modal choice; (8) assignment; (9) Economic evaluation: the benefit algorithm; (10) Evaluation criteria and their implications for benefit estimation; (11) Some problems in economic evaluation and (12) Conclusion. /TRRL/