The Structure of Appearance.

One/On The Theory Of Systems.- I. Constructional Definition.- 1. Extensional Identity.- 2. Substitution Criteria.- 3. Extensional Isomorphism.- 4. Consequences of Isomorphism as a Criterion.- 5. On Systems of Predicates of Individuals.- II. The General Apparatus.- 1. General Apparatus and Special Basis.- 2. The Question of Classes.- 3. Nominalism.- 4. The Calculus of Individuals.- 5. The Calculus in Systems.- III. Extralogical Bases.- 1. The Nature of Primitive Terms.- 2. The Choice of Basis.- 3. Simplicity.- 4. Reflexitivity and Complexity.- 5. Transitivity, Self-completeness, and Complexity.- 6. Symmetry and Complexity.- 7. Final Formulae for Primary Complexity.- 8. Secondary Complexity 75 9. Evaluation of Bases.- 10. Complexity of Other Primitives.- 11. Basic Individuals.- 12. Postulates.- Two I On Qualities and the Concrete.- IV. Approach to the Problems.- 1. Things.- 2. Properties.- 3. Qualia.- 4. Physicalistic and Phenomenalistic Systems.- 5. Realistic and Particularistic Systems.- 6. Introduction to the Problems of Abstraction and Concretion.- V. The System of the 'Aufbau'.- 1. Introduction.- 2. The Basic Units.- 3. Methods of Construction.- 4. The Choice of a Primitive.- 5. Definition of Qualities.- 6. Further Constructions.- 7. Conclusion.- VI. Foundations of a Realistic System.- 1. Qualia as Atoms.- 2. Atoms of the System.- 3. Togetherness.- 4. The Problem of Concretion.- 5. A Revision and its Consequences.- 6. Rectification of Particularism.- 7. Alternative Treatments of the Problem of Concretion.- VII. Concreta and Qualification.- 1. The Individuals of the System.- 2. Principles of Togetherness.- 3. Complexes.- 4. Concreta.- 5. Elementary Qualification.- 6. Compound Qualification.- 7. A Paradox and its Lesson.- 8. A Note on Abstract, Concrete, Universal, and Particular Individuals.- VIII. Size and Shape.- 1. The Problem.- 2. Size.- 3. Shape.- 4. Initial and Derivative Quality Terms.- Three/On Order, Measure, and Time.- IX. The Problem of Order.- 1. A New Problem.- 2. Choice of a Basic Predicate.- 3. Mapping and the Mapped.- 4. Reduction of Basis.- 5. Categories and Realms.- 6. Principles of Matching.- 7. A Rule of Order.- X. Topology of Quality.- 1. The Formal Problem.- 2. Betwixtness.- 3. Justification of the Definition of Betwixtness.- 4. Besideness.- 5. Just Noticeable Difference.- 6. Adjusted Linear Maps.- 7. Some Cartographical Conventions.- 8. Some Types of Nonlinear Array.- 9. Besideness in Square-Cell Networks.- 10. Nextness.- 11. Spurious Maps.- 12. Toward Shape and Measure.- 13. Ordinal Quasianalysis.- 14. Recent Developments.- 15. Note Added in Third Edition 257.- XI. Of Time and Eternity.- 1. Phenomenal Time.- 2. Time and Language.- 3. The Passage of Time.- 4. The Temporal Field.- 5. The Physical World.- Index to Special Symbols.