Health Implications of Fungi in Indoor Environments

Part 1 Current methodology on isolation and detection of moulds: mycological monitoring for indoor sanitary evaluation in Japan, H. Kurata measurements of microorganisms in non-industrial indoor environment in northern Sweden, G. Blomquist and B. Andersson bioaerosols from housedust, B. Flannigan et al filter casette sampling for bacterial and fungal aerosols, M.L. Muilenberg and H.A. Burge. Part 2 The fungal flora of indoor environments: composition of the house dust mycoflora in Japanese houses, K. Takatori et al assessment of fungi in carpeted environments, E.C. Cole et al the airborne fungal population of representative British homes, C.A. Hunter and R.G. Lea airborne fungi in several indoor environments, A. Mouilleseaux and F. Squinazi fungi and bacteria in normal and mouldy dwellings, A. Nevalainen et al fungal propagules in house dust - a qualitative analysis, E.S. Hoekstra et al. Part 3 Respiratory symptoms caused by moulds: mycological survey in dwellings and factories - application to diagnostic of extrensic allergic alveolitis, N. Nolard et al respiratory symptoms and infections in mouldy dwellings and day-care centres, O. Koskinen et al asthma symptoms and the sick building syndrome (SBS) - the significance of microorganisms in the indoor environment, D. Norback et al allergic and non allergic manifestations related to indoor fungal exposure - management of cases, S. Gravesen. Part 4 The role of fungal metabolites: production of volatiles and presence of mycotoxins in conidia of common penicillia and aspergilli, T.O. Larsen and J.C. Frisvad penicillium and aspergillus from Danish homes and working places with indoor air problems - identification and mycotoxin determination, J.C. Frisvad and S. Gravesen tremorgenic mycotoxins in conidia of aspergillus fumigatus, C.-J. Land et al collection of airborne mycotoxins on membrane filters, A. Pasanen et al activation of alveolar macrophages by conidia of common fungi associated with organic dust toxic syndrome, W.G. Sorenson et al. Part 5 Fungal growth on interior finishes: fungal disfigurement of construction analysis of the effects of various factors, R. Becker et al fungal growth on gypsum based finishes under steady state airhumidities, O. Adan et al a comparison of various methods for assessment of fungal growth on interior finishes, O. Adan et al characterization of environmental chambers for evaluating microbial growth on building materials, K. Foarde et al fungal resistance tests of gypsum based interior finishes under steady state airhumidities, O. Adan et al some case studies of fungal disfigurement of construction in Israel, R. Becker moisture problems in the Netherlands - a pilot project to solve problems in social housing, P.C.H. van der Laan mould growth in buildings - a consultant's view point, J. Singh.