Knitting Tension in Loop Formation of Fancy Stitches

Knitting tension in the loop formation of typical fancy stitches, such as a float-stitch, tuckstitch and rib-stitch, has been measured and the loop formation mechanisms of fabrics are dis cussed.(1) Knitting tension in float stitching is either higher or lower than that in plain knitting, depending on the number of float-stitch needles in a row.(2) Knitting tension in float stitching is higher than in plain knitting if float stitching is continued for two or more courses.(3) Robbing-back occurring in plain knitting does not appear in the loop formation of float stitches.(4) The knitting tension of regular stitches formed by needles adjoining float-stitch needles is affected by float-stitching.(5) Variations in loop length caused by float-stitching take place between two loops held by a float-stitch needle and a regular-stitch needle adjoining each other.(6) Knitting tension FT; in tuck stitching is estimable by the following equation from knitting tensions in plain knitting and float stitching, FP; and FW; , respectively: κFT; =FP; +∑ q; FW; (k=1, 2, ……) where k is the frequency of tuck- and/or float-stitching.(7) The knitting tension of regular stitches formed by needles adjoining tuck-stitch needles is not affected by tuck-stitching.(8) Knitting tension in rib-knitting increases as the distance between the knitting points of dial needles and cylinder needles increases.