Self-scheduling of electric vehicles in an intelligent parking lot using stochastic optimization

Abstract Electric vehicles charging and discharging management as well as large scale intermittent renewable power generation management are known as the two most important challenges in the future distribution system operation and control. Proper integration of these energy sources may introduce a solution for overcoming to challenges. In this paper, a stochastic charging and discharging scheduling method is proposed for large number of electric vehicles parked in an intelligent parking lot where intelligent parking lots are potentially introduced as aggregators allowing electric vehicles interact with the utilities. A self-scheduling model for an intelligent parking lot equipped with photovoltaic system and distributed generators is presented in this paper in which practical constraints, solar radiation uncertainty, spinning reserve requirements and electric vehicles owner satisfaction are considered. The results show that the proposed parking lot energy management system satisfies both financial and technical goals. Moreover, electric vehicle owners could earn profit by discharging their vehicles as well as having desired state of charge in the departure time.

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