Localization of pancreatic insulinoma: comparison of pre- and intraoperative US with CT and angiography.

Methods of preoperative radiologic localization of insulinoma were compared in 52 patients, 44 of whom had solitary tumors. Examinations performed in these 44 patients were preoperative ultrasonography (US) in 28, angiography in 26, and computed tomography in 23. Prospective sensitivities were 61%, 54%, and 30%, respectively. Imaging sensitivities were lower for the eight patients with multiple insulinomas. In 28 of the 44 patients, intraoperative US was performed without the examiner being aware of the surgical findings. The sensitivity was 84%. Four insulinomas were not palpable but were visualized sonographically. The combined sensitivity of intraoperative US and surgical palpation for detecting solitary insulinomas was 100%. High-frequency intraoperative US is valuable for detecting occult solitary insulinomas and considerably useful for determining the proximity of insulinomas to the pancreatic and bile ducts.