Benchmarking e‐learning: trialling the “MIT90s” framework

Purpose – The paper aims to focus on the University of Glamorgan benchmarking activity aimed at assessing its progress towards the embedding of e‐learning. This activity was part of a wider UK benchmarking exercise managed by the Higher Education Academy and the Joint Information Systems Committee.Design/methodology/approach – The university opted to trial the MIT90s framework; a framework developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that was designed to encourage organisations to understand the dynamics of transformation vis‐a‐vis the acquisition of technology. The MIT90s framework had not previously been associated with the benchmarking of e‐learning and this paper is case study evidence on the experiences of trialling the framework.Findings – Benchmarking e‐learning, and using the MIT90s framework in particular, is not a trivial exercise. Adapting a model with roots in IT/ICT towards more pedagogic‐related activities was a challenging, yet rewarding, process. Applying the framework stim...