Observed Southern Ocean Cloud Properties and Shortwave Reflection. Part I: Calculation of SW Flux from Observed Cloud Properties*

AbstractThe sensitivity of the reflection of shortwave radiation over the Southern Ocean to the cloud properties there is estimated using observations from a suite of passive and active satellite instruments in combination with radiative transfer modeling. A composite cloud property observational data description is constructed that consistently incorporates mean cloud liquid water content, ice water content, liquid and ice particle radius information, vertical structure, vertical overlap, and spatial aggregation of cloud water as measured by optical depth versus cloud-top pressure histograms. The observational datasets used are Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) effective radius filtered to mitigate solar zenith angle bias, the Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) cloud-top height–optical depth (CTH–OD) histogram, the liquid water path from the University of Wisconsin dataset, and ice cloud properties from CloudSat. This cloud database is used to compute reflected shortwave radi...

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