On adapting a small PM wind generator for a multi-blade, high solidity wind turbine

Summary form only given. This paper explores the design space that exists between multi-blade, high-solidity water-pumping turbines and modern high-speed 2 and 3-bladed horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs). In particular, it compares the features and performance of a small 12-bladed, high solidity HAWT to that of a modern 3-bladed HAWT. It also outlines a procedure for adapting a small PM wind generator, intended for high-speed operation with a 3-bladed HAWT, for low speed operation with a 12-bladed, high solidity HAWT. This is achieved through a detailed analysis of the effects of several minor changes to the nominal design of the machine. The redesigned machine is shown to be capable of delivering rated power at the reduced speed required by the 12-bladed HAWT, whilst operating at a good efficiency. The overall system performance of the 12-bladed HAWT coupled to the redesigned wind generator is shown to be satisfactory. Experimental validation is provided.