A 100-Year Review: Mastitis detection, management, and prevention.

Mastitis is the most frequent disease of dairy cows and has well-recognized detrimental effects on animal wellbeing and dairy farm profitability. Since the beginning of modern dairy farming, producers have sought effective methods to minimize the occurrence of mastitis in their herds. The objective of this paper is to review and highlight important advances in detection, management, and prevention of mastitis that have occurred since the first volume of the Journal of Dairy Science was published in 1917. Initial research efforts were directed at understanding the nature of pathogenic bacteria that were responsible for most intramammary infections. For decades, researchers worked to identify effective strategies to control mastitis caused by Streptococcus agalactiae and Staphylococcus aureus. To develop successful control programs, mastitis workers first had to identify mechanisms of infection, define the clinical and subclinical states of the disease, discover appropriate screening tests, determine likely points of exposure, identify pathogen-specific characteristics, and develop effective procedures for machine milking. Pioneering researchers eventually recognized that mastitis control was based on preventing new infections from occurring in healthy cows and reducing the duration that cows remained infected. Development of a control program that incorporated post-milking teat dipping, hygienic milking procedures, and strategic use of antibiotic therapy at dry-off resulted in widespread control of contagious pathogens. As herd management changed, researchers were tasked with defining control of mastitis caused by opportunistic pathogens originating from environmental sources. As mastitis pathogens have evolved, researchers have sought to define antimicrobial usage that will maintain animal wellbeing while minimizing unnecessary usage. During the last century, tremendous significant advances in mastitis control have been made but changing herd structure and more rigorous processor standards ensure that mastitis will remain an important subject focus of future research.

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