Three-dimensional effects on multi-element high lift computations

In an effort to discover the causes for disagreem_nt between previous 7-I) computations all<[ nominally 2-D experinleni for flow over the :l-element Mel)onnell Douglas 30P-.10N airfoil configuration at high lift., a combined ext)eriniental/C!FD investigation is described. The exl)erinient explores several dillOr('nt side-wall boundary layer conlro] vent, ing pat, lerlls, docunlents venting mass flow rates, and looks at corner surface flow pal terns. The experinlental angle of at,tack at lnaxiniunl lift is found to be sensit, ive lo the sicle wall veni, ing pai, i,ern: a particular pal, lern increases the angle of attack at, iliaxinlulll lift by at, least. 2 °. A signilicanl, alnOUllt, of spanwise l)resstlre varialion is present al. angles of attack near niaximunl lift. A (:FI) stud)' using 3-D structured-grid conll)utations, which includes tile nlodeling of sidewall venting, is euiployed t,o hivesi, igat,e :I-D elr+wt, s Oil the flow. Side-wall suction strength is fOlilid l,o alTeei, tile angle at, which liiaxililUlii lift, is predicted. l\laxiinunl lift, in lhe ('Pl) is shown t,o be liinit,ed t)y t,he growt, h of all o[fLbody corlier flow vorl,ex and COliSeq/lelil increase in spanwise pressllre variai, ion and decrease in circulation. Tile :I-D cOnllml,ations with and wil, houi, wall vent, ing predict shnilar trends t,o experiment, at, low angles of at, tack, bul, all, her st,all t,oo earl)' or else overprdici lift, levels near niaxillililli lift, t)y as inucll as _)_,. llnsl, ruclured-grid coinplllai,ions denionsl, i'al,e thai, uiounling brackets lower the lift levels llear IllaXhllUlll lift, condii, ions. "Senbr }{eseardi Scieniisl. ('.niputati.nal Modeling and Sinlulalion Bran,:h. Ass, iciale Fell,_w AIAA. t[tesearch Engineer, (i-nlputaliona] Modeling and Sinnllai ion Bi'anch. I_enior |{eseai'ch 7cieiilisl. Plow Ph.vsi,'s and (lonlrd II_l-ancii..gerilor nieiiiber A1AA. (!opyright C)7002 by the Anleric_ii Instilule of Aeroliatltics and .Jistrolialllil's. Inc. No copyrigtit is asserled in tile llniled Slates under ]'ill+" 17. I'.S. (lode. Tile lr.s. (iovei'nlilt?ill tias a r_yaliy-free license io exercise all rights illider the cq)yrighl clainied herdn for governinenl purposes. All other rights are reserved by the c.pyrigllt OWller.