Nowadays, in order to be competitive, a developer's usage of Commercial off the Shelf (COTS), or Government off the Shelf (GOTS), packages has become a sine qua non, at times being an explicit requirement from the customer. The idea of simply plugging together various COTS packages and/or other existing parts results from the megaprogramming principles [Boehm and Scherlis 1992]. What people tend to trivialize is the side effects resulting from the plugging or composition of these subsystems. Some COTS vendors tend to preach that because their tool follows a specific standard, say CORBA, all composition problems disappear. Well, it actually is not that simple. Side effects resulting from the composition of subsystems are not just the result of different assumptions in communication methods by various subsystems, but the result from differences in various sorts of assumptions, such as the number of threads that are to execute concurrently, or even on the load imposed on certain resources. This problem is referred to as architectural mismatches [Garlan et al. 1995] [Abd-Allah 1996]. Some but not all of these architectural mismatches can be detected via domain architecture characteristics, such as mismatches in additional domain interface types (units, coordinate systems, frequencies), going beyond the general interface types in standards such as CORBA.
Jeannette M. Wing,et al.
Signature matching: a key to reuse
John Nicholls,et al.
Z notation
David Garlan,et al.
Architectural Mismatch or Why it's hard to build systems out of existing parts
1995 17th International Conference on Software Engineering.
Jeff Magee,et al.
Dynamic structure in software architectures
Mary Shaw,et al.
Software architecture - perspectives on an emerging discipline
Peyman Oreizy,et al.
Reuse of off-the-shelf components in C2-style architectures
ICSE '97.
Barry Boehm,et al.
Detecting architectural mismatches during systems composition