Measuring aesthetic distance between document templates and instances

Adaptive documents undergo many transformations during their generation, including insertion and deletion of content. One major problem in this scenario is the preservation of the aesthetic qualities of the document during those transformations.As adaptive documents are instances of a template, the aesthetic quality of an instance with respect to the template could be evaluated by aesthetic measures providing scores to any desired quality parameters. These parameters measure the deviation of the instance from the desired template. This evaluation could assure the quality of instances during their generation and final output.This paper introduces the use of document templates to support aesthetic measures of document instances. A score is assigned to a document instance according to the differences detected from the original template. Considering the original template as an ideal result, the quality of a document instance will decrease according to the number and severity of the changes applied to produce it. So, documents that are below a given threshold can be sent for further (possibly human) review, and any others are accepted.The amount of change with respect to the template will reflect the document quality, and in such a model the quality of instances can be considered as a distance from that original.