The Application of Nano Porous Pvdf Beads in Solder Paste Printing

Abstract The porous beads were better crystallized and possessed greater relative surface than ordinary PVDF. With the 64G U disk (01005 more chip devices) production practice experience, analysis of characteristics of the equipment types, main parameters and manual solder paste printing, explore a path from the solder paste selection, storage, use to process printing stencil printing manual. Solder paste printing process is very strong, in addition to the above reasons, there are many other factors affecting the quality of solder paste printing. According to the practical training requirement for solder paste, select suitable packaging specifications, generally 250g, 500g packaging, to avoid losses caused by failure of solder paste. Strict implementation of the first principle, and give priority to the use of recycled (old) solder paste, but can only be used once, then the remaining scrap processing.