Cosmological Coincidence and Dark Mass Problems in Einstein Universe and Friedman Dust Universe with Einstein's Lambda

In this paper, it is shown that the cosmological model that was introduced in a sequence of three earlier papers under the title, A Dust Universe Solution to the Dark Energy Problem can be used to analyse and solve the Cosmological Coincidence Problem. The generic coincidence problem that appears in the original Einstein universe model is shown to arise from a misunderstanding about the magnitude of dark energy density and the epoch time governing the appearance of the integer relation between dark energy and normal energy density. The solution to the generic case then clearly points to the source of the time coincidence integer problem in the Friedman dust universe model. It is then possible to eliminate this coincidence by removing a degeneracy between different measurement epoch times. In this paper's first appendix, a fundamental time dependent relation between dark mass and dark energy is derived with suggestions how this relation could explain cosmological voids and the clumping of dark mass to become visible matter. In this paper's second appendix, it is shown that that dark energy is a conserved with time substance that is everywhere and for all time permeable to the dark mass and visible mass of which the contracting or expanding universe is composed. The last two appendices involve detailed studies of cosmology, quantum dark energy related issues. There are more detailed abstracts given with all four appendices.

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