Containment Evaluation under Severe Accidents (CESA): synthesis of the predictive calculations and analysis of the first experimental results obtained on the Civaux mock-up

In 1996, EDF decided to build a containment model at the scale 1:3, the MAEVA mock-up, in order to check and study the behaviour of a pre-stressed concrete containment vessel without a liner in terms of mechanical strength and leaktightness, for loadings corresponding to its design and beyond design conditions. In parallel with the construction and testing of the mock-up, a cost-shared R&D action supported by the European Union, the CESA project, is dealing with quantification of leak rates through concrete cracks and porosity, predictive calculations of the behaviour of the mock-up and analysis of the experimental results. In this paper, we propose a synthesis of the main theoretical and experimental results, obtained after 2.5 years. It should however be noted that, due to some unexpected delays in the experimental programme, quite natural with such a huge and unique experimental set-up, only the design-basis accident sequences, already performed, have been reported in this paper. The first results are nevertheless very interesting, both from a scientific and nuclear utility point of view.