Searching Synergy : stakeholder views on developing a sustainable medicinal plant chain in Uttaranchal-India

Medicinal plants are fascinating phenomena. Through the different dimensions of health care traditions local cultural practices biodiversity issues or their potential for employment and income generation they have attracted increasing attention during the last decade. Worldwide alternative herbal based health care body care and food products are growing in popularity leading to an increased demand for medicinal plant material. With its ancient extensive knowledge systems of the use of plants for health care purposes India has frequently been a focal point of research as well as trade in medicinal plants. The central question in the joint research initiative of KIT CSD and IAMR has been whether the increased growth in demand for medicinal plant material can be linked to sustainable development in rural India generating income and employment and enhancing agricultural diversification. To bring light to bear on these questions field research was conducted in Uttaranchal a Himalayan state that has recently been described as the “Herbal State of India”. (excerpt)