Performance Analysis of a VANET with optimal infrastructure location in setting urban

Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) lead the development of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Reporting and data gathering applications used by ITS rely on the reliability of vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communications to reach the gateways, called Road-Side Units (RSUs), in the fixed network. A key factor in the performance of this kind of applications is the adequate location of access points in the city. In this paper, we present an integer linear optimization model, employed for locating the infrastructure points in the network, considering V2I communications only for avoiding the multi-hop complexity. Our objective is to find the most valuable positions for the RSUs deployment. Simulation results carried out with NS-2 and SUMO simulation software, over a real city layout, show that the proposed model detects the best positions to locate RSUs. Moreover, result show that in inclusion of a number of RSU greater than the optimal one, leads to a very short and non-signiticative increase in the packets throughput.

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