Role of Information Systems Architecture in e-governance: The case of watershed management in India

India is basically an agrarian economy having more dependency on rain-fed agriculture practices. Infrastructures like watershed structures are therefore, important components in the overall planning process. Watershed management through an appropriate governance structure with active participation from all stakeholders for sustainable use of resources has been an issue before planners. Indian rural development scenario has always remained a challenge having various political, administrative and social dimensions in the overall spectrum of governance. However, NeGP and UIDAI have created an opportunity to have “convergence” of various services. Studying convergence is a complex phenomenon and needs a careful “architectural treatment”. This paper considers watershed management to be an ideal case for architectural treatment with respect to NeGP having focus on citizen interfaces through e-governance. The paper takes inputs from guidelines formulated for the “Watershed Management”, an open document for the study through a framework.