Shear Waves from Acquisition to Interpretation
“This book, produced for use with the third SEG/EAGE Distinguished Instructor Short Course, addresses the practical aspects of multicomponent data acquisition, processing, and interpretation. The first part of the book is devoted to overcoming the difficulties associated with shear-wave acquisition. Converted-mode operation is covered in detail using real-life examples. The particularities of sea-bottom receivers also are examined. The second part reviews the processing and the main challenges of the shear-converted modes: static corrections, gathering, velocity analysis, and compensation for shear-wave splitting in axial anisotropy. The book gives a detailed description of processing sequences, and 2D and 3D results, yielding natural axis orientation of layers, are compared in shear and PS converted modes. The third part is devoted to case histories in which new attributes, such as VP/VS ratio, crack density, or fracture orientation, are illustrated in a reservoircharacterization context. These case histories can guide the geophysicist to decide if a particular geologic situation can be handled best using shear waves.”