Joint Test of AWADS Employment, Phase I.
Abstract : The purpose of TAC Project 73B-078T/USACACDA JT 009 was to formulate joint employment concepts, techniques, procedures, and safety requirements, and to verify the operational effectiveness and suitability of AWADS for Air Force delivery of Army personnel and equipment in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC). This was a joint Air Force/Army project conducted by a joint test team composed of personnel from the USAF Tactical Air Warfare Center, the XVIII Airborne Corps, and the United States Army Infantry School. The IMC flight formation minimum drop interval of 4,000 feet is adequate to insure maximum safe delivery of jumpers and equipment. The minimum ceiling of a 300-foot overcast and 1/2-mile visibility encountered during the test are acceptable for the airdrop of personnel and equipment. The standard parachutes (T-10 and MC1-1) are adequate for use in IMC to these minimums. Absolute minimum acceptable weather conditions were not determined. Subject to further evaluation in Phase II, jumpmaster and parachute techniques/procedures and the exit interval developed appear adequate. Delivery of personnel and equipment in IMC appear safe, Current AWADS aircrew procedures are adequate to position aircraft at a point from which low-altitude parachute extraction system deliveries can be made in weather minimums of a 500-foot ceiling and 2-mile visibility. (Author)