Functional city zoning. Environmental assessment of eco-geological substance migration flows.

One of the unsolved problems today is that of the division of the natural (geochemical background) and anthropogenic components of substance migration flows, such as complex integrated systems in the supergene zone. Not only qualitative, but also quantitative assessment of each component allows greater understanding of the correlation between the processes within the geological body and their impact on the environment. This study is based on academic knowledge in the field of geological sciences and study group research-developments aimed at the detailed examination of the migration of pollutants in anthropogenically modified city soils and the creation of a methodological framework in the field of the geochemical zoning of substance migration flows in the hypergenesis zone. We demonstrate that certain parameters of "zero-level" pollutant concentration for functional area land use can be developed for each city - the state of the environment before the beginning of a new stage of technogenesis.