Myelin: Biology and Chemistry

PREFACE (Russell E. Martenson). MYELIN STRUCTURE AND COMPONENTS. Organization, Phylogenetic Variations, and Dynamic Transitions of Myelin (Daniel A. Kirschner and Allen E. Blaurock). CELL BIOLOGY OF MYELINATION. The Oligodendrocyte Lineage during Myelination and Remyelination (Monique Dubois-Dalcq and Regina Armstrong). The Cell of Schwann: An Update (Robert M. Gould, Kristjan R. Jessen, Rhona Mirsky, and Gihan Tennekoon). Axonal Contact as a Determinant of Oligodendrocyte and Schwann Cell Function (Timothy J. Neuberger and George H. De Vries). MYELIN LIPIDS. Interactions of Lipids with Proteins of Myelin and its Associated Cytoskeleton (Peter J. Brophy). Synthesis and Turnover of Myelin Phospholipids and Cholesterol (James W. DeWille and Lloyd A. Horrocks). STRUCTURE AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE MAJOR MYELIN PROTEINS. Structure and Acylation of Proteolipid Protein (Marjorie B. Lees and Oscar A. Bizzozero). The Myelin Proteolipid Protein Gene and its Expression (Wendy B. Macklin). Structure and Molecular Interactions of Myelin Basic Protein and its Antigenic Peptides (George L. Mendz). Molecular Genetics of Myelin Basic Protein (John Kamholz and Lawrence Wrabetz). Myelin Basic Protein Isoforms: Structural and Evolutionary Implications of Alternative Exon Splicing (Russell E. Martenson). Myelin-Associated Glycoprotein: Structure-Function Relationships and Involvement in Neurological Diseases (Richard H. Quarles, David R. Colman, James L. Salzer, and Bruce D. Trapp). 2', 3'-Cyclic Nucleotide 3'-Phosphodiesterase: Molecular Characterization and Possible Functional Significance (Yasuzo Tsukada and Tadashi Kurihara). Structure and Molecular Biology of P0 Protein (Keiichi Uyemura, Kunio Kitamura, and Masayuki Miura). Myelin P2, A Neuritogenic Member of the Family of Cytoplasmic Lipid-Binding Proteins (Russell E. Martenson and Keiichi Uyemura). MYELIN-ASSOCIATED ENZYMES, RECEPTORS, AND MITOGENS. Enzymes and Receptors of Myelin (Robert W. Ledeen). Calcium-Activated Neutral Proteinase in Myelin: Its Role and Function (Naren L. Banik, Arun K. Chakrabarti, and Edward L. Hogan). Proteinases that Degrade Myelin Proteins (Hans H. Berlet). A Mitogenic Factor Derived from the Myelin Membrane (Roopa R. Baichwal and George H. De Vries). MYELIN MUTANTS. Phenotypic Expression of X-Linked Genetic Defects Affecting Myelination (Robert P. Skoff and Pamela E. Knapp). Amino Acid Substitutions in Proteolipid Protein that Cause Dysmyelination (Lynn D. Hudson and Nancy L. Nadon). Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease. X-Linked Proteolipid Protein Deficiency in the Human Central Nervous System (Arnulf H. Koeppen). Shiverer and Allelic Mutant mld Mice (Katsuhiko Mikoshiba, Jun Aruga, Kazuhiro Ikenaka, and Hideyuki Okano). The Twitcher Mouse: A Model of Human Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy (Krabbe Disease) (Kinuko Suzuki and Kunihiko Suzuki). Chimeras in the Study of Disorders of Myelination (Katsuhiko Mikoshiba). Transgenic Mice in Myelin Research (Brian Popko). DEMYELINATION. Strain and Species Differences of Encephalitogenic Determinants of Myelin Basic Protein and Proteolipid Apoprotein (Takeshi Tabira and Jun-Ichi Kira). The Complement System in Demyelination (Moon Lee Shin and Carol Lee Koski). Human T-Cell Recognition of Myelin Basic Protein Peptides (John R. Richert). Chronic Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis as a Model of Multiple Sclerosis (Ellsworth C. Alvord, Jr., Lynn M. Rose, and Todd L. Richards). Virus-Induced Demyelination (John K. Fazakerley and Michael J. Buchmeier).