“One, Two, Three,... Infinity”
This famous title remarkably summarizes the recent evolution of the ideas in quantitative image analysis, and the impact of mathematical morphology on it. “One”, for the case of basic stereological measurements. In fact, they all involve an implicit image transformation. “Two” appears when this transformation is preceded by another one, as a linear erosion (laws of intercepts) or a covariance. With “Three”, we iterate two transformations before the measurements : bi-dimensional openings, for instance. And immediately after, one jumps to infinity with the pattern recognition algorithms, as the Skeletton.
[1] Kendall Preston,et al. Feature Extraction by Golay Hexagonal Pattern Transforms , 1971, IEEE Transactions on Computers.
[2] L. A. Santaló. Introduction to integral geometry , 1953 .
[3] G. Matheron. Random Sets and Integral Geometry , 1976 .
[4] G. Matheron. Éléments pour une théorie des milieux poreux , 1967 .
[5] R. E. Miles,et al. Precise and general conditions for the validity of a comprehensive set of stereological fundamental formulae , 1976 .