Distributed routing in packet-switching networks by counterpropagation network

Routing is a problem of considerable importance in a packet-switching network, because it allows both optimization of the transmission speeds available and minimization of the time required to deliver information. In classical centralized routing algorithms, each packet reaches its destination along the shortest path, although some network bandwidth is lost through overheads. By contrast, distributed routing algorithms usually limit the overloading of transmission links, but they cannot guarantee optimization of the paths between source and destination nodes on account of the mainly local vision they have of the problem. The aim of the authors is to reconcile the two advantages of classical routing strategies mentioned above through the use of neural networks. The approach proposed here is one in which the routing strategy guarantees the delivery of information along almost optimal paths, but distributes calculation to the various switching nodes. The article assesses the performance of this approach in terms of both routing paths and efficiency in bandwidth use, through comparison with classical approaches.