Select bibliography

Australian Society for Sports History, Sport and Colonialism in 19th Century Australasia, ASSH Studies in Sports History, No.l (Sydney, 1986) W. Bate, Light Blue Down Under: The History of Geelong Grammar School (Melbourne, 1990) G. Blainey, J. Morrissey and S.E.K. Hulme, Wesley College: The First Hundred Years (Melbourne, 1967) D. Kirk, Schooling Bodies: School Practice and Public Discourse 1880-1950 (London, 1998) J. Kociumbas, Australian Childhood: A History (Sydney, 1997) B. Lewis, Our War: Australia During World War 1 (Melbourne, 1980) B. Niall, Seven Little Billabongs: The World of Ethel Turner and Mary Grant Bruce (Melbourne, 1979) B. Niall, Australia Through the Looking-Glass: Children's Fiction 1830-1980 (Melbourne, 1984) G. Sherington, 'Athletics in the Antipodes: the AAGPS of New South Wales', History of Education Review, 12, 2 (1983) C. Turney, 'The Advent and Adaptation of the Arnold Public School Tradition in New South Wales', Australian Journal of Education, 10, 2 (1966), 11, 1 (1967).