ARJ:An IEEE 802.11g All-Channel Jammer with Alterable Jamming Radius

In all-channel jamming,traditional single channel Jammer needed relative time consuming channel switching.In this paper,an IEEE 802.11g all-channel Jammer(ARJ) by adjacent channel interference(ACI),especially non-overlapping channel interference is proposed.Compared with single channel Jammer,ARJ has the advantages of realizing all-channel jamming on fixed single channel,realizing alterable jamming radius by adjusting transmission power of jamming signal and realizing energy-efficient jamming by adjusting jamming frequency.Through theoretical analysis by the Markov chain model of DCF under the channel bit error rate(BER) and simulation scenario experiments,it is found that ARJ can jam all channels of IEEE 802.11g.Moreover ARJ is also implemented and verified in the real experiments.