Research on processing strategy for CPU-intensive application

First, the paper presents some common features and characteristics of CPU-intensive applications in cloud environment.Second, based on these characteristics, a mathematical model for the CPU-intensive applications is established.Third, the model can be used to predict and analyze whether an unknown application is CPU intensive application or not.Further, we propose a processing strategy to deal with the CPU-intensive applications.Extensive experiments show that the model is correct and reasonable, and the processing strategies can improve processing efficiency of CPU-intensive applications effectively. As one of the most commonly used type of application, CPU-intensive application has been widely concerned. To better serve this type of application as well as high efficiently use the IT resources in cloud data, it is important to know whether an application is CPU-intensive or not and how to deal with the application. In this paper, we establish a model by monitoring and analyzing the features of CPU-intensive applications. Using the model CPU-intensive application can effectively recognized and classified from other types of applications. Meanwhile, we propose a method to efficiently deal with CPU-intensive application based on the resources usage on physical servers. Extensive experiments have been done to validate the correctness of CPU-intensive application recognition model and the efficiency of the processing strategy. Experimental results show that the model can classify the CPU-intensive application from other types of applications with high accuracy. And the processing strategies can much improve the processing efficiency of CPU-intensive applications as well as increase the resource usage efficiency.

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