Evaluation of a briquet formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (H‐14) against aedes spp. and culex spp. larvae in dambos in Kenya

Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner var. israelensis serotype H‐14 (Bti) in briquet formulation (Bactimos) was tested in a field trial against ground‐pool breeding mosquitoes in a dambo located in a Rift Valley fever virus‐enzootic/epizootic area in central Kenya. Bactimos (10% Bti; 7000 AA International Toxic Units/mg) was tested for 30 days in 3 separate treatment areas at the rate of 1 briquet/9 m2, later increased to 1 briquet/1.5 m2 on day 13 postflood; 1 briquet/9 m2; and 1 briquet(4.6 m2). An estimate of the daily survival rate of larvae at different periods during the study revealed that mosquitoes in the area treated with 1 briquet/9 m2 had a significantly lower (64%) survival rate than those in the control site (92%) against Aedes spp. and was not significantly different from the site treated with 1 briquet/4.6 m2. Mosquitoes in the site treated with I briquet/1.5 m2 on day 13 postflood had a much‐reduced survival rate (25%;) when compared to those in the control site (67%) during the 3rd Culex spp....