The Governance of Place: Space and Planning Processes
Contents: Introduction, Ali Madanipour, Patsy Healy and Angela Hull Concepts of Space: Concepts of space, Ali Madanipour How should we think about place in a globalizing world?, Nigel Thrift A new approach to identifying localities: representing a /placesa in Britain, Mike Coombes and Colin Wymer Imagined value: the poetics and politics of place, Jean Hillier The integrated metropolis: a strategy for the networked, multi-centered city, Tony Lloyd-Jones, Bill Erickson, Marion Roberts and Stephen Nice Urban futures? integrating telecommunications into urban planning, Stephen Graham and Simon Marvin Multiple meanings of space and the need for a dynamic perspective, Ali Madanipour. Changing Governance Processes: Changing governance processes, Angela Hull The need to zoom out: understanding planning processes in a post-corporatist society, Maarten Hajer Structures and processes in strategic spatial plan preparation: the participatory agenda, Angela Hull and Geoff Vigar The influence of new institutional processes in shaping places: the cases of Lyon and Nimes (France 1981 a " 1995), Alain Motte Metropolitan development as a complex system: a new approach to sustainability, Judith Innes and David Booher Towards a more place-focused planning system in Britain, Patsy Healey Shaping urban areas into the 21st century: the roles of the planning process, Ted Kitchen Index.