Overview of the medium and high frequency telescopes of the LiteBIRD space mission

LiteBIRD is a JAXA-led Strategic Large-Class mission designed to search for the existence of the primordial gravitational waves produced during the inflationary phase of the Universe, through the measurements of their imprint onto the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). These measurements, requiring unprecedented sensitivity, will be performed over the full sky, at large angular scales, and over 15 frequency bands from 34 GHz to 448 GHz. The LiteBIRD instruments consist of three telescopes, namely the Low-, Medium-and High-Frequency Telescope (respectively LFT, MFT and HFT). We present in this paper an overview of the design of the Medium-Frequency Telescope (89{224 GHz) and the High-Frequency Telescope (166{448 GHz), the so-called MHFT, under European responsibility, which are two cryogenic refractive telescopes cooled down to 5 K. They include a continuous rotating half-wave plate as the first optical element, two high-density polyethylene (HDPE) lenses and more than three thousand transition-edge sensor (TES) detectors cooled to 100 mK. We provide an overview of the concept design and the remaining specific challenges that we have to face in order to achieve the scientific goals of LiteBIRD.

L. Duband | Julian Borrill | Graeme Smecher | Matthieu Tristram | Javier Cubas | Kosei Ishimura | Hajime Sugai | Nozomu Kogiso | Matt Dobbs | Adrian T. Lee | Hiroyuki Ohsaki | Toshiyuki Nishibori | Masashi Hazumi | T. Nagasaki | Gianluca Morgante | Berend Winter | Bruno Maffei | Giampaolo Pisano | Neil Trappe | Kam Arnold | Jason E. Austermann | Yuji Chinone | Shannon M. Duff | Jon E. Gudmundsson | Makoto Hattori | Charles A. Hill | Johannes Hubmayr | Nobuhiko Katayama | Adrian T. Lee | Edward J. Wollack | Mario Zannoni | Shogo Nakamura | Carole Tucker | Michael Vissers | Eiichiro Komatsu | Martin Reinecke | Peter Shirron | Kazuhisa Mitsuda | Tadayasu Dotani | Ken Ebisawa | Keisuke Shinozaki | Luca Lamagna | Silvia Masi | R. Banerji | C. Franceschet | U. Fuskeland | E. Hivon | P. Natoli | H. Ogawa | A. Zonca | Créidhe O'Sullivan | H. K. Eriksen | Stefano Mandelli | J. A. Beall | N. W. Halverson | F. Piacentini | Masahiro Tsujimoto | Yutaro Sekimoto | Ingo Kreykenbohm | Gene C. Hilton | Hideo Ogawa | J. N. Ullom | Keith L. Thompson | Thierry Maciaszek | Patricio Vielva | Yasuhiro Murata | M. Migliaccio | Peter Charles Hargrave | Massimo Gervasi | Fabio Columbro | Alessandro Paiella | Giampaolo Pisano | Yutaka Terao | Joshua Montgomery | Tomotake Matsumura | Haruki Nishino | Yusuke Takase | Kuniaki Konishi | A. J. Banday | Mathieu Remazeilles | Didier Auguste | M. Sandri | D. Herranz | Mathew Galloway | J. F. Cliche | J. A. Rubiño-Martín | Alan J. Kogut | Eric V. Linder | Raphael Flauger | Frank Grupp | Shingo Kashima | Yuki Sakurai | Hirokazu Ishino | Luca Pagano | G. Puglisi | Junji Yumoto | Marco Bersanelli | Aniello Mennella | Y. Takeda | Noriko Y. Yamasaki | Tijmen de Haan | E. R. Switzer | Ricardo Genova-Santos | Satoru Takakura | Yurika Hoshino | Ryota Takaku | K. Komatsu | Jochen Weller | Yohei Kobayashi | Gianluca Polenta | Ludovic Montier | Baptiste Mot | Paolo de Bernardis | Sophie Henrot-Versille | T. Prouve | Megan Russell | Giorgio Savini | Samantha Stever | Benjamin Westbrook | Peter A. R. Ade | Alexandre Adler | Erwan Allys | Jonathan Aumont | Ragnhild Aurlien | Carlo Baccigalupi | R. B. Barreiro | Soumen Basak | Dominic Beck | Shawn Beckman | Juan Bermejo | Julien Bonis | F. Boulanger | Sophie Bounissou | Maksym Brilenkov | Michael D Brown | Martin Bucher | Erminia Calabrese | Paolo Campeti | Alessandro Carones | F. J. Casas | Anthony Challinor | Victor Chan | K. Cheung | Loris Colombo | A. Cukierman | A. Cukierman | David W. Curtis | Giuseppe D'Alessandro | Nadia Dachlythra | Marco De Petris | Clive Dickinson | Patricia Diego-Palazuelos | J. M. Duval | Tucker Elleflot | Josquin Errard | Thomas Essinger-Hileman | Fabio Finelli | K. Ganga | Jian R. Gao | Martina Gerbino | Tommaso Ghigna | E. Gjerløw | Marcin Gradziel | J. Grain | Alessandro Gruppuso | Takashi Hasebe | Masaya Hasegawa | Daniel Herman | Y. Hirota | Renee Hlozek | Elena de la Hoz | Kiyotomo Ichiki | Teruhito iida | H. Imada | Greg Jaehnig | T. Kaga | Akihiro Kato | T. Kawasaki | Reijo Keskitalo | T. S. Kisner | T. S. Kisner | Kazunori Kohri | N. Krachmalnicoff | Chao-Lin L. Kuo | Akihiro Kushino | Jeff Van Lanen | Massimiliano Lattanzi | Clément Leloup | François Levrier | Thibaut Louis | Gemma Luzzi | Davide Maino | M. Maki | Enrique Martínez-González | Y. Minami | J. A. Murphy | M. Nagai | Yuya Nagano | R. Nagata | Toshiya Namikawa | Simran Nerval | S. Oguri | I. Ohta | Norio Okada | N. Okada | Daniela Paoletti | G. Patanchon | J. Peloton | Davide Poletti | Damien Rambaud | Christopher Raum | Sabrina Realini | Alessia Ritacco | G. Roudil | Haruyuki Sakurai | Manami Sasaki | Douglas Scott | Joseph Seibert | Blake D. Sherwin | M. Shiraishi | G. Signorelli | Radek Stompor | S. Sugiyama | Aritoki Suzuki | Junichi Suzuki | Trygve L. Svalheim | Hayato Takakura | Andrea Tartari | E. Taylor | Harald Thommesen | Ben Thorne | Takayuki Toda | M. Tomasi | Mayu Tominaga | M. Tsuji | Gerard Vermeulen | Fabrizio Villa | N. Vittorio | Ingunn Kathrine Wehus | Joern Wilms | T. Yoshida | R. B. Barreiro | T. L. Svalheim | G. Jaehnig | T. Maciaszek | F. Grupp | C. Baccigalupi | J. Weller | G. Morgante | N. Katayama | E. Hivon | A. Banday | M. Reinecke | A. Challinor | E. Komatsu | A. Kogut | P. Ade | J. Borrill | P. Bernardis | R. Stompor | K. Ganga | S. Masi | F. Piacentini | J. Austermann | J. Cliche | A. Cukierman | T. Haan | M. Dobbs | N. Halverson | G. Hilton | C. Kuo | G. Smecher | A. Suzuki | K. Thompson | C. Tucker | R. Hložek | T. Yoshida | S. Henrot-Versillé | M. Hazumi | H. Ishino | T. Kawasaki | C. Leloup | T. Kisner | E. Linder | H. Eriksen | Y. Sakurai | Y. Minami | Y. Murata | F. Boulanger | C. Dickinson | Y. Sekimoto | M. Bersanelli | L. Colombo | F. Finelli | A. Gruppuso | D. Herranz | R. Keskitalo | B. Maffei | D. Maino | A. Mennella | M. Migliaccio | P. Natoli | L. Pagano | D. Paoletti | G. Patanchon | G. Polenta | M. Remazeilles | M. Sandri | G. Savini | M. Tomasi | M. Tristram | P. Vielva | F. Villa | N. Vittorio | I. Wehus | A. Zonca | E. Calabrese | E. Gjerløw | J. Gudmundsson | M. Lattanzi | J. Murphy | N. Okada | N. Trappe | M. Gerbino | F. Levrier | J. Rubiño-Martín | H. Ohsaki | T. Kaga | K. Shinozaki | K. Mitsuda | N. Yamasaki | M. Tsujimoto | P. Shirron | G. Pisano | K. Konishi | N. Kogiso | G. Puglisi | F. Columbro | M. Petris | L. Lamagna | C. O'sullivan | A. Paiella | A. Tartari | M. Zannoni | D. Auguste | J. Aumont | J. Bonis | C. Franceschet | M. Gervasi | M. Gradziel | T. Louis | L. Montier | D. Rambaud | A. Adler | S. Realini | H. Takakura | S. Kashima | H. Imada | T. Hasebe | Y. Takeda | J. Ullom | J. Cubas | J. Yumoto | R. Flauger | I. Kreykenbohm | T. Dotani | K. Ebisawa | L. Duband | P. Hargrave | J. Beall | T. Prouvé | E. Switzer | B. Winter | J. Hubmayr | D. Curtis | B. Westbrook | K. Ishimura | H. Ogawa | K. Kohri | H. Sugai | T. Essinger-Hileman | B. Sherwin | G. Luzzi | S. Basak | N. Krachmalnicoff | M. Shiraishi | M. Vissers | S. Duff | J. Lanen | K. Arnold | D. Beck | S. Beckman | Y. Chinone | J. Errard | M. Hasegawa | M. Hattori | C. Hill | H. Nishino | J. Peloton | D. Poletti | C. Raum | J. Seibert | S. Takakura | B. Thorne | R. Génova-Santos | H. Thommesen | M. Maki | T. Matsumura | M. Bucher | R. Banerji | S. Mandelli | Y. Terao | I. Ohta | G. Roudil | S. Stever | J. Wilms | J. Duval | A. Ritacco | T. Elleflot | K. Ichiki | M. Nagai | T. Nagasaki | R. Nagata | T. Namikawa | T. Nishibori | Michael D Brown | F. Casas | A. Kushino | M. Tsuji | E. Allys | G. Vermeulen | G. Signorelli | E. Martínez-González | J. Suzuki | S. Bounissou | R. Aurlien | K. Cheung | P. Diego-Palazuelos | U. Fuskeland | M. Galloway | Tommaso Ghigna | S. Nerval | T. Toda | J. Grain | J. Montgomery | R. Takaku | K. Komatsu | T. Iida | Y. Hirota | V. Chan | H. Sakurai | S. Sugiyama | E. Taylor | N. Dachlythra | M. Tominaga | E. D. L. Hoz | P. Campeti | Y. Hoshino | J. Bermejo | D. Scott | M. Brilenkov | A. Carones | D. Herman | A. Kato | Y. Nagano | S. Oguri | Megan B. Russell | M. Sasaki | Y. Takase | G. D’Alessandro | Jiangsong Gao | B. Mot | S. Nakamura | Y. Kobayashi

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