Towards biobank privacy regimes in responsible innovation societies: ESBB conference in Granada 2012.

The creation of socially and technically robust biobank privacy regimes presupposes knowledge of and compliance with legal rules, professional standards of the biomedical community, and state-of-the-art data safety and security measures. The strategies in privacy management and data protection presented in this review show a trend that goes beyond searching for compromises or efforts of balancing scientific demands for efficiency and societal demands for effective privacy regimes. They focus on developing synergies that facilitate cooperative use of biomaterials and data and enhance sample search efficiency for researchers on the one hand, and protect rights and interests of donors and citizens on the other hand. Among the issues covered are: a) ethical sensitivities and public perceptions on privacy in biobanking b) tools and procedures that allow maintenance of the rights and dignity of donors, without jeopardizing legitimate information needs of researchers and autonomy of biobanks, and c) a privacy sensitive framework for sharing of data and biomaterials in the research context.

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