Use of Biomass as a Transitional Strategy to a Sustainable and Clean Energy System

Abstract Attempts to establish regenerative energy sources are still being rejected. Only since the oil crises, have regenerative energy sources been included in energy policy discussions. Compared with conventional sources of energy, used a much longer period of time, there appears to be a considerable lack of knowledge on regenerative sources of energy. It is another aspect that present-day supply of energy is based on a centralized structure. In contrast, renewable sources of energy, such as irradiation and energies arising from it like wind, ambient heat, and bioenergy, have a very low energy density and therefore require a decentralized supply structure. In addition, fluctuations caused by the seasons and different weather conditions, and the fact that renewable energy sources are tied to a certain place, are another challenge to this new structure of supply. On the other hand, with more than 26% of the state covered by forests, Turkey is a country rich in timber, with a considerable yield of wood. It is therefore obvious to exploit this national potential for energy production. However, only a short time ago, increasing efforts were started for utilizing biomass for electric power generation and as raw material for high-quality gaseous and liquid fuels. For this purpose, conventional technologies, such as gas turbines, are partly being used, which work highly efficiently, with low investments even today. In order to use new technologies for electric power generation, the mainly solid biomass has to be converted into liquid or gaseous energy resources by means of bio-conversion.