Principles of textile testing
Contents: Introduction to testing. The elements of statistics. The selection of samples for testing. Moisture relations and testing. Fibre dimensions and quality. Yarn dimensions. Fabric dimensions and properties. The tensile testing of textiles. Evenness testing. Miscellaneous testing instruments. Conclusion. Subject index. Name index. Note: An introduction to the methods used in measuring and studying the physical and mechanical properties of textile materials. Intended as a text for textile students. Based on lecture notes, textbooks, trade and research journals, manufacturer's instruction manuals, and discussions with practicing technologists. To be used in conjunction with the British Standards Handbook No. 11 entitled - Methods of test for textiles. Discusses research and selection of materials, process development and control, product testing, and specification tests. Illustrations include figures, photographs, tables and graphs. Chapter reading lists. Author is with Bolton Institute of Technology.